I’m here!


McClain Summey-12

I was born at 7:11pm on 06/10/2016. 7 lbs 5 oz and 19 inches long.

Oh, and turns out Mommies epidural ran out and she had a natural delivery of me. Ouch. My head hurts just thinking about it! Had to spend some time in the NICU so they could make sure everything was OK. Now back in the room with Mommy and Daddy. Mimi, Granma Debbie, Papa T, Aunt Sarah and Grandpa Mac are here too.

Lovin’ my life in the outside world!

Not much longer now!


Ha ha! Mommy ate “Lots O Tots” to get me ready to come out! We’ll see if that works. You never know. I do kinda like it in here, but it is getting cramped. What is that thing that keeps poking me?


And hey, looks like I’ll be a Gemini!

Gemini zodiac sign dates: May 21 – June 20

Here are some interesting Gemini facts:

  • Symbol: The twins
  • Opposite Sign: Sagittarius
  • Meaning: The narrator
  • Modality: Mutable
  • Element: Air
  • Ruling House: The third
  • Ruling Body: Mercury
  • Motto: I think
  • Birthstone: Agate
  • Color: Yellow
  • Metal: Silver
  • Flower: Lavender
  • Fragrance: Basil
  • Lucky Day: Wednesday
  • Numbers: 2, 6, 14.

I’m almost ready…


…to "pop out"! I’ve been giving Mommy fits and starts the last couple of weeks. It’s getting tight in here so I’ve been moving around and testing things out for the big day, my birthday! Can’t wait to hug you Mommy.

Putting on a show


I’m ready for my close up! This new technology is cool. I was pretty active today when they tried to take my close-up, but they were able to catch some cool pictures don’t you think? When I would kick, Mommy could feel it and everyone else could see it!

Can’t wait for my birthday…